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Olmert: the bombing of the headquarters of Hamas in Gaza is

موضوع في 'الاخبار العالمية' بواسطة oghrd, ديسمبر 30, 2008.

    • :: الأعضاء ::


    • المستوى: 1
    تاريخ الإنضمام:
    مايو 6, 2008
    عدد المشاركات:
    عدد المعجبين:
    مكان الإقامة:
    Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said the bombing of the headquarters of Hamas in Gaza is the beginning of the later stages and approved by the Israeli cabinet.

    According to the later stages of the road near the invasion sector or ground incursions focused.

    It also said the Israeli Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said Israel is not interested in the return of calm with Hamas at the present time.

    Raids targeting government buildings and the headquarters of the article, security, homes and mosques
    For his part, Richard Falk, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights in the Palestinian territories of the United Nations, Israel of committing "horrendous crimes" against Palestinians in Gaza.

    The UN official said that the international community to exert more pressure on Israel to end its attacks on Gaza.

    In an interview with the BBC, Falk said that "Israel is committing a series of shocking crimes by using the appalling modern weapons against the population and isolate the attack on them after they have suffered from the siege for several months."

    The United Nations says at least 62 of the victims of the bombing over the age of 350 are women and defenseless children, and calls for an investigation of the Israeli attacks, which resulted in many civilian victims.

    See the video:

    When Israel launched its ground offensive?
    The latest civilian casualties are baby sisters, 4 years and 11 years old, were killed after an Israeli aircraft fired a missile at a donkey cart was carrying them in the town of Beit Hanoun.

    As one person was killed and two wounded in a raid on a police headquarters in the town of Qarara in Beit Hanoun.

    In earlier strikes, launched at dawn on Tuesday, killed ten people and wounded at least 40, according to Palestinian medical sources.

    According to medical officials in Gaza said the death toll at 363 while the number of wounded more than 1700.

    The continued firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel, killing an Israeli soldier and three civilians, bringing the number of Israelis killed since Saturday to five.

    Israel says the bombings will continue until the rocket fire from Gaza
    Reports said the Israeli raids destroyed a building belonging to the Government of the article in the Gaza Strip and one of the premises of the Islamic University in Gaza City.

    A spokesman for the Israeli army to conduct raids against Hamas targets, adding that the process is still ongoing.

    The targets of these raids, which focused mostly on the center of Gaza City headquarters of the Palestinian government, the article and the ministries of defense, foreign affairs and finance.

    The Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon to stop the violence immediately condemned both Israel and Hamas alike.

    The Israeli army said it had begun targeting the smuggling tunnels in Rafah
    He was accused Ban Ki-moon, Israel excessive use of force and criticized Hamas for its failure to respond to the calls for a cease rocket-propelled grenades.

    He also called on the White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe, a "sustainable ceasefire" in the Middle East and called on Hamas to stop firing rockets at Israel.

    Israel had been launched on Monday, more than forty raid on the Gaza Strip.

    A BBC correspondent in Gaza, said the raids targeted the homes and mosques and training camps and the headquarters of security.

    The raids also resulted in the destruction of the Interior Ministry building and the building of the Faculty of Science at the Islamic University in Gaza.

    Threats continue to witness the bombing video:

    Gaza shelling
    His deputy, Haim Ramon, the Israeli prime minister that the goal of the attack on the Gaza Strip is the overthrow of the Hamas movement.

    A senior Israeli army commander said the raids would not leave the building in place for Hamas.

    He said Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel had entered an open all-out war against Hamas and its leadership.

    Barak said in a speech to the Israeli Knesset that the goal of the current military operations is to stop Palestinian rocket attacks against civilians and the Israeli military.

    Barak said: "This operation will be expanded and in-depth as needed. We went to war to inflict a fatal blow with enthusiasm and to change the situation in the south."

    He added: "We will try as much as possible to avoid hitting civilians, but members of Hamas and other terrorists deliberately hide among the civilian population to work. We do not want to hit the children or women and will not prevent humanitarian relief to enter" into the sector.

    Continued firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip at southern Israel
    Meeting of the factions
    The other hand, held at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah a meeting of Palestinian factions at the invitation of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to stop what he called Israeli aggression.

    Did not participate Islamic Jihad and Hamas in the meeting.

    "Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas leader, said Abbas has accused Hamas of responsibility in the past two days and that is what Hamas has to sit down with the demands by the leadership of Fatah, including the release of the detainees.


    Continued firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip at southern Israel

    The Israeli army said it had begun targeting the smuggling tunnels in Rafah
    He was accused Ban Ki-moon, Israel excessive use of force and criticized Hamas for its failure to

    Israel says the bombings will continue until the rocket fire from Gaza


    Raids targeting government buildings and the headquarters of the article, security, homes and mosques

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